To collect the details and in some cases, money, from around 1000 people who were to attend our Children’s Christmas party.
Only allow the (substantially) subsidised Ticket prices to Club Members andget the details of all the kids for Santa.
Our Club has been in existence for nearly 90 years.
In the pre-computer age, bookings for our mega Christmas Event were done on paper, with cash, cheque or later, credit card details (also on paper) and then the names of the people were checked against the member ledger (the size of a ping pong table). If they weren’t members, they had to be chased up and notified (no email in those days).
This made the elves very unhappy.
Some small progress was made when the ping pong table ledgers were replaced with a hand crafted database, but that fell into a heap when the IT guru left our organisation and no one knew how to update it.
In the last ten years, or so, we’ve used an online form and more recently online payment, which was basically just the paper system…on a screen. We had all the details, but still had to check that people were members (using the increasingly wonky database system).
We desperately needed a system that could:
And we also had issues every year with the form (or, really, the members filling out the form). Apparently, for a lot of people, remembering to list the actual attending children’s details for a Children’s Christmas Party was too difficult.
Enter TidyHQ
Utilising TidyHQ Events fully for the first time, meant we could not only control certain tickets to Members only but we could set maximum numbers of tickets to be purchased AND for the tickets for Santa’s elves, record the kid’s information.
The real killer feature for us was the ability to collect information only on the ticket types that required it (i.e. the children) and also collect information for the whole order (i.e. the mobile number of the member).
All very complicated. Thankfully, TidyHQ handled it with ease.
For the children’s tickets, we created Custom Fields to record the required information for Santa:
For the particular Ticket type that required information for Santa’s Elves, for the number of tickets requested, that number of mandatory fields were presented to the user to fill in. No more blanks.
Where it all came together was the booking form.
Overall, the process was a enormous success.
The Event’s downloadable Transaction CSV file was a huge, largely unanticipated bonus. Although a separate custom spreadsheet had to be prepared for Santa’s Toy Shop supplier, for the first time in memory, it was a trivial task. And this alone saved literally days of work.
If you’re thinking about running your Event through TidyHQ — do it!